design T-shirt store DDD by Hoimi

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BRAND CONCEPT etc.\"Embody freedom without being bound by the evaluation of others\"
I draw with personality and imagination.
May my children smile all over the world.


DESIGNERChana  Japan

H P---




PROFILEI\'m a fledgling designer.

Activities of .t3abLes

| Total 9 / Now showing 1 - 10 |

Release info. 675days ago

デザインイメージ2022-08-29 22:09:53I made a new golf ball and iPhone case with this design!
Please take a lookURL

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Release info. 675days ago

デザインイメージ2022-08-29 22:09:05I made a new golf ball and iPhone case with this design!
Please take a lookURL

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Release info. 675days ago

デザインイメージ2022-08-29 22:08:40I made a new golf ball and iPhone case with this design!
Please take a lookURL

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Release info. 675days ago

デザインイメージ2022-08-29 22:07:58I made a new golf ball and iPhone case with this design!
Please take a lookURL

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Release info. 679days ago

デザインイメージ2022-08-25 16:11:18Thank you for watching!
Released a new design "Today's dessert is a fruit punch."
Please enjoy it by all meansURL

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Release info. 680days ago

デザインイメージ2022-08-24 18:39:19A cute and pop T-shirt is finished!
By all means!!!URL

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Release info. 681days ago

デザインイメージ2022-08-23 11:12:56We have released "Running Giant Idol"!
This time, it has also been backprinted.
I would be happy if you could see itURL

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Release info. 682days ago

デザインイメージ2022-08-22 22:01:22Thank you for watching!
My name is Chana.
This time, I made a new "I want to eat beef bowl".
I would be happy if you could see it
It is also printed on the back, and there is an illustration of a cow pattern drawn on it! !URL

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Release info. 687days ago

デザインイメージ2022-08-17 19:07:01Thank you for watching!
My name is Chana.
First design "Sunshine Dinosaur" released
Let's get through this summer to the end!!!URL

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