Order confirmation and payment is from heredesign T-shirt store DDD by Hoimi
BRAND CONCEPT etc.It is neither an object nor pictures.
It is a fashion.
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2017-05-17 13:43:37I made a music video of friend's band for the first time. https://youtu.be/K4gC1oKci4o
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*Honey Bunny*
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2014-06-13 15:42:23It is a clover of a fortunate 4 leaf.
This T-shirt is a charity to Serbia. http://hoimi.jp/product/0000051654_ss
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2013-12-27 20:31:41This is a page of my facebook.
Please see. https://www.facebook.com/barberpole
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2013-11-09 22:52:10November 15-17, 3-day limited pop-up store "drive-thru # 2' will be opened at Design Festa Gallery in Harajuku. Near you to order you will visit. http://blog.livedoor.jp/barberpole1116/archives/4631248.html
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2013-10-24 18:57:43The hand print knitwear made from a silk screen is introduced this year also. http://blog.livedoor.jp/barberpole1116/archives/4618071.html
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2013-09-03 18:00:52September came.
A long-sleeved item is sold.
The request of a color etc. also welcomes. http://blog.livedoor.jp/barberpole1116-floor/archives/54011765.html
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2013-03-05 11:58:37The T-shirt of a handprint is sold in the store in Gifu. http://www.kurosuke8.jp/
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2012-11-07 17:38:36The original Walnut made buttons. http://blog.livedoor.jp/barberpole1116/archives/4251488.html
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2012-11-07 17:26:59The knitted article by a silkscreen is sold at the site here. http://www.creema.jp/user/showProfileExhibits/id/2538
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2012-10-05 12:59:55Combination of the evolved thing and the thing which is not carried out http://hoimi.jp/product/0000033580_st
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